I would like to share with ya'll something I've learned through observations of people at work, school, and just in general. A couple recent events have got me thinking about, well, human mortality. Which is a rather depressing topic of thought or writing. But I'm not here to be a downer. I have this theory about life.
It's actually pretty simple. Each day, it's up to you to make that day a good day. Don't get me wrong, not every day can be a great day, because some things happen in life that completely bring you down a notch. However, on most days, the relative goodness of the day depends on you. I read a quote once, a really long one I don't feel like reposting, that said "Life is 1% about what happens to me and 99% about how I react to it" or something to that effect. I think those are words to live by.
I had a (former) coworker that one day was just in a terrible mood. I don't know what was happening in his life outside of work that got him in that state, but he was bringing down the mood of the whole team. I tried my level best to maintain an upbeat attitude, but it was difficult. I don't always realize how my mood is affecting those around me, but if I'm always positive, I know I am a help and not a hindrance to my coworkers, friends, and family.
I think the biggest difficulty in staying positive is because it will involve change. When I'm in a bad mood, that signals to me that I need to change something. This can be range from going for a run, to moving my work to a different room, to eating a treat, to getting to bed early so I'm well-rested for tomorrow. The problem with change is that very few people actively seek it out. Most change is not as drastic or sudden as people expect though. For example, the change from a couch potato to a fit, healthy person is not the flipping of a switch, but the sum of a thousand healthier choices. The choice to eat an apple instead of cheetoes, to walk the stairs instead of the elevator.
That's really getting into a whole other subject, but it serves as a good example. Being positive can help out another. When I'm running, I make an effort to wave and greet the people I see, even if my eyes are crossing from exertion (a real thing, I promise). I know I feel better when they smile and wave back, so why do the same? I love the customers who talk to me as a person, not as a faceless carwash employee, and I love watching the kids light up when I draw a smiley face on their window. So go out and be cheerful! Smile at a stranger, give a thumbs up to the guy running on the side of the road, ask your checkout person how their day is.
A quote from Ghandi to close: "Be the change you want to see in the world."
I just try not to get upset because it doesn't accomplish anything, it's just wasted energy. Also, http://bit.ly/IbtNzQ -Bryan